March 18, 2024

I hate to move. I know, hate is a strong word. But I’ve moved my total household at least 8 times that I can remember. I have no fond memories to draw from. It was total chaos in the house for weeks before and after. Stuff strewn everywhere while trying to purge my goods. By…

March 30, 2022

Francis reminds us to not judge others but to realize how our own brokenness contributes to the results that land us in precarious situations. But God…. has the rescue already prepared. We need to confess our failures and ask God to draw us closer to Him. Restored.

February 2, 2022

AW Tozer once said that what comes to mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you. Why? Because the way you see and think about God shapes the way you see and think about everything else. If you answer the question “who is God?” with “the giant dictator in the…

August 11, 2020

I know I shouldn’t be amazed but I still am. When God decides to invade our world in a completely unexpected way. It’s all He wants to do. Every day. Colleen and I were meandering down the street in Stone Harbor after a filling, and I mean filling, breakfast. We saw a four-legged friend we…

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