November 27, 2020

“Our globe is being shaken harder and harder by the forces of chaos. As it’s shaken, so are we. The more chaotic it is, the more shook-up everyone in it tends to become. It’s like trying to do everyday life in a continuous earthquake. Or in a swirling snowstorm. It’s hard to gain our bearings….

August 11, 2020

I know I shouldn’t be amazed but I still am. When God decides to invade our world in a completely unexpected way. It’s all He wants to do. Every day. Colleen and I were meandering down the street in Stone Harbor after a filling, and I mean filling, breakfast. We saw a four-legged friend we…

April 11, 2020

Reminding myself of what my step 4th cousin 6x removed, John Adams, once said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” See how I worked my lineage into that? holds a treasure trove of facts if you’re…

March 31, 2018

I told my wife this morning, “you’re not the only one that hears from God in the shower”. She laughed out loud. Nature has so much to teach us about the character of God but if we look real closely we can also see the fall of man. I was peering out the window while…

February 28, 2018

Kind of strange to be remembered as “blind Bartimaeus”. But growing up in the church and hearing teachers refer to this man in this way has become second nature. Probably not so natural for Bartimaeus. But his story lives in infamy. Let’s look at the passage in Mark 10. 46 And they came to Jericho. And as…

October 17, 2017

Each year for the past 3 years I’ve asked God for one word that would enable me to quickly grasp his theme for me for that year. So apropos were each of those words. As the year went on it became more and more evident what God was doing in my life and why that…

March 2, 2017

Let’s start you off by reading 1 Kings 17. I know, it’ll take a few minutes but it’s worth it. Trust me. Now; Is there any particular verse that seems to jump out at you? Why does it seem to be more significant than others? Meditate on what the Lord is highlighting to you personally. This…

October 16, 2016

Above: Ruben Moreno (Center), in Panama City, Panama prepares to execute trade agreements with two US companies. Steven Adams (Right), President & CEO of ICC Global Trade, LLC and Bob Horning (Left), President of Way Tea. I’m just so blessed today to write a short excerpt from a recent experience I had in Panama City,…

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