March 31, 2018

I told my wife this morning, “you’re not the only one that hears from God in the shower”. She laughed out loud. Nature has so much to teach us about the character of God but if we look real closely we can also see the fall of man. I was peering out the window while…

March 3, 2018

2012 and 2013 were particularly difficult years for me. On the stress charts there were several events that infiltrated my life that most certainly occupy many of the first 5 places on those charts. A marriage of 33 years looks to be breaking apart, I’ve sold a business where I was expected to be employed…

March 2, 2018

“…that even winds and sea obey him?” If we ask that same question, we’ll start to see the bigger picture of who Jesus Christ really is. In Matthew 8:23-27 we experience a unique moment with Jesus’ followers. His disciples are panicked. Imagine the wind – which had been funneled through a narrow gorge – pushing…

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